Diary 2019
Friday 10th May 2019
I find it hard to believe that two months have passed since my last journal entry. There is so much that has happened.
The Orison, Episode 2
I have finished a first-draft which describes an event in Gouta's quest to find a new home and family. It is currently 4,850 words long...
"Sabra on Mars" is now published
I am delighted to announce that my first published short story (a scifi "drabble" of only 560 words) appears in Nebula Tales Issue 3, available on Amazon ...
"Battle Hymn of the Asbahri" - a new scifi series
I have started a new episodic series - "The Battle Hymn of the Asbahri", which is a tale of Science Fiction, set in the technological and militarised world of Asbah ...
The anthology with no name (yet)
My Critiques Partner (PC Darkcliff, a published novelist of dark fantasy) has persuaded me to help him create an anthology of fantasy short stories, and I must say it has been a lot of fun getting the project off the ground ...
"Dragon Hunt" (working title), fantasy
This one-off story exists as a very rough first-draft of 5,400 words (400 too long). This is the piece I hope to submit for the as-yet-unnamed-anthology ...
Click the button below to read the full news on each.
Thursday 14th March 2019
Today, I made the difficult and heartbreaking decision to kill one of my darlings. Following so soon after its conception, the murder will only require a single cut; it will be quick and painless (though not for me).
I am talking, of course, about ...
Friday 8th March 2019
February was a busy month, what with two shows to perform in and a holiday. How much writing did I do? None. Zero. Rien du tout. Nichts. Nada.
Am I writing now, in March? Yes ... in the word’s widest sense. I am enjoying an imaginative time working on the outline for The Orison.
I now know...
Wednesday 16th January 2019
Allow me to tell you a story. Are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin…
I will always celebrate the anniversary of Wednesday 16th January 2019. An auspicious day for me.
Well, bear in mind I am a newbie writer who spent the whole of 2018 learning how to write a short story that was finally well-received by Beta Readers. A year previously, my first group of readers condemned my writing as 'unfit for human consumption' (my words, not theirs).
Keep that in mind while I tell you that early in the afternoon on said Wednesday, I saw a ...